Friday, March 1, 2013

My parrot R2

My Parrot helping to wrap Christmas presents Dec 2012
When you say you own a parrot many people instantly think Macaw, African Grey or Cockatoo but in truth there is about a hundred or more species to choose from. There are dozens of Amazons, tons of Conures, Electus’s and even budgies and cockatiels are parrots but dozens of more species; the list goes on. Each species is unique, every bird is unique, and all species has a unique temperament, traits, quirks and voices. Each bird within a species is also unique and they all have their own likes and dislikes. I know from experience. Not only do I have a great interest and love for them but I also live with one.
My Parrot R2

            My parrot is part of the Conure group of parrots, a green cheeked to be exact, and while these parrots rarely talk (they love to mimic noises like kissing and ows though), they are famous for their clownish behaviour and comic ways. My parrot R2 loves to get himself stuck in his ladders than freak out bashing his head all over the place with his but stuck in the air before sliding himself out to only do it again with a toy in his beak. His cage was set up in the family room with a great view of the TV and he loves to watch it. I learned he is terrified of Zombies by him watching me play the elder scrolls games like Oblivion and Skyrim. He freaked out whenever he saw a zombie come at the screen. Then we found out he absolutely loves the Warner brothers show “Animaniacs”. It was good cause me and my sister Megan love it but seeing him watch it is hilarious. He laughs whenever someone gets hit, blown up, crushed, run over or falls. His favorite of the characters are the Good feathers, the mobster pigeons. He loves other birds. He also loves to see the warner siblings driving people insane probably because like them he loves to push peoples’ buttons till they lose it. Luckily we think he hasn’t picked anything up from the cartoons, yet, but he would fit in a cartoon with his behaviour. He loves the warner brothers’ style of slap stick tongue and cheek comedy.
R2 acting cute to get out of trouble
            Many people would think that a cat would beat up a parrot but I have seen first-hand that cats and birds can and do live together in what could be considered as piece. We have three fully grown female cats and all are spooked by the parrot. Some days it’s like having Tweety and Sylvester in the house. The cat goes to take a nip, a paw or even just sniff the parrot and R2 goes and takes a good chomp at them or fly’s into their faces, his inch long razor sharp talons coming at their faces or sides. All it takes is a nip from his wood crushing beak on their tales to send them running. It is quite common, Parrots often beat up cats. Parrots for some unknown reason are attracted to cats and love to play or terrorize them.


  1. Oh my goodness. I totally want a parrot now!!!! They sound like the coolest friends/pets ever! I love how you are so in love with the species:) I did have a little trouble following what you were saying sometimes because the sentences were kinda long (as a fellow long-sentencer, I know how hard it is!). I do have a question about parrot personalities. Is your parrot's personality a unique thing? Or will most react so well to their surroundings (tv shows, etc)?
    I think I'm going to have to wait till my cat passes on to get a parrot though. I think it's awesome that your cats "get along" with R2, but my cat is a stone-cold killer. Like declawed-cat-takes-down-huge-rabbits. But I still love her:)

    1. Each parrot is unique and almost all react in their own special ways to a TV program or movie. Some sing along or attempt to whistle to songs or tunes while others will dance and others do both. Their dance can be a simple hop along or a full out dance with moves they learned to perform to express their joy.

  2. It sounds like you've got a good pet there. I had no idea that parrots had such personality. For the most part my cat just sleeps alday and whines for food when he gets hungry. It's good to see how close you and your parrot are.
